The Wedding Booking Accelerator
Pay in one easy payment of $995

Here’s what you’ll get with The Wedding Booking Accelerator:

  • 5 In Depth Training Classes with Sachin Khona
  • ​Monthly Office Hours For With Q&A & Support
  • ​Weekly Accountability Calls To Track Your Progress & Create Momentum
  • ​Exclusive Access To The Private Architect Members Group For Community Support & Ongoing Guidance 
  • ​All Course Video Replays, Materials, Tools And Systems Available For 6 Months

Plus access to these special BONUSES for the first 10 to sign up:

  • 2 x 30 Minute Coaching Calls With Sachin
  • ​3 x Months​ Access to ARC Community Membership For Continued Support
  • ​3 x Guided Meditations Boost Your Creativity & Help You Relax & Recharge
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Expiry Month:
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$995 USD
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